Approximately 1,500 people participated in the 18th Annual Walk and Rally for Life on Tuesday evening, 17th May, making it the largest rally since 1998, when abortion was legalised in Western [...]
Thank you all for braving the winter chill to mark this eighteenth anniversary of infamy. I have no particular qualification for speaking to you tonight save for having served for a period in the [...]
Talitha Dall recently spoke at the Rally for Life on 12th May at Parliament House. Last November, at 20 weeks into her pregnancy, after a routine sonogram, Talitha was informed that her baby boy [...]
The Western Australian Government has recently taken measures to recognise the loss of a child in early pregnancy. These children should be recognised, for they are as human as any one of us, and [...]
Over 850 people participated in the 17th Annual Walk and Rally for Life on Tuesday evening, 12th May. It was a crisp, windless, beautiful night as people assembled at Florence Hummerston Park in [...]
Twitter user “InYourFaceNewYorker” to Richard Dawkins: “I honestly don’t know what I would do if I were pregnant with a kid with Down Syndrome. Real ethical dilemma.” Richard Dawkins [...]
Seven hundred people participated in the 16th Annual Walk and Rally for Life on Tuesday evening, 10th June. Defying bitter cold and threats of rain, they assembled at Kings Park overlooking the [...]
On Tuesday 17 June 2014 the Hon Nick Goiran MLC devoted his speech on the budget papers to, as he put it, “shine a light on a hidden part of our governance garden, an area that is cloaked in [...]
Although it is self-evident that human life (like all other life) begins at fertilisation, pro-abortionists have disputed and/or obscured this fact in an effort to justify killing human beings [...]
Since March 2009, when Kevin Rudd was Prime Minister, Australia has directly funded abortion services through overseas aid grants to abortion provider Marie Stopes International (for abortions in [...]