Over the past 12 months, the Coalition for the Defence of Human Life has been practically and financially supporting the establishment of the LifeChoice movement of university based pro-life [...]
The current law Practices that are deliberately intended to cause the death of a patient in Western Australia are illegal. The options currently provided to chronic and/or terminally ill patients [...]
Listening to the radio some time ago, I heard the story of a quokka which somehow made it from Rottnest Island to the mainland. The surmise was that it had hitched a ride to the mainland on a [...]
You may recall, and possibly signed, a petition that was included in the July 2017 edition of Life News. It was entitled, Petition in relation to induced premature births in Western Australia. [...]
In August, the WA government set up a Joint Select Committee on End of Life Choices. The Committee is conducting an “Inquiry into the need for laws in Western Australia to allow citizens to make [...]
A speech by Hon Nick Goiran at the 19th Annual Rally for Life. It is a pleasure to be with you once again this year—my eighth year that I have been here for the Rally for Life and I just want to [...]
Talitha Dall recently spoke at the Rally for Life on 12th May at Parliament House. Last November, at 20 weeks into her pregnancy, after a routine sonogram, Talitha was informed that her baby boy [...]
The Western Australian Government has recently taken measures to recognise the loss of a child in early pregnancy. These children should be recognised, for they are as human as any one of us, and [...]
Over 850 people participated in the 17th Annual Walk and Rally for Life on Tuesday evening, 12th May. It was a crisp, windless, beautiful night as people assembled at Florence Hummerston Park in [...]
On the evening of Tuesday, 21 May 2013, to mark the fifteenth anniversary of the legalisation of abortion on demand in Western Australia, the Coalition for the Defence of Human Life held the 15th [...]