This is the seventh article that Life Ministries has printed since 2010 opposing the Barnett Liberal Government’s plans to legalise prostitution. In the last edition of Life News, with the [...]
Christians should rejoice that two federal bills to legalise same-sex marriage have both been resoundingly defeated. The first bill, introduced by Labor backbencher Stephen Jones, was defeated in [...]
This is the sixth article that Life Ministries has printed since 2010 opposing the Barnett Liberal Government’s plans to legalise prostitution. It is crucial that we continue to oppose these [...]
It is always regrettable when Christians hold to somewhat conflicting views on matters of great importance. Sadly, this seems to be the case in relation to the Prostitution Bill 2011. It now [...]
Two recent editions of Life News have urged readers to voice their concerns about Western Australian Attorney-General Christian Porter’s plan to licence brothels and prostitutes. The date for [...]
This is an edited version of a talk given by Dwight Randall at the St Mary and Archangel Michael Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Church in Victoria Park, Western Australia, in April 2011. It is apparent [...]
The December 2010 edition of Life News urged readers to voice their concerns about Western Australian Attorney-General Christian Porter’s plan to licence brothels and prostitutes. Some aspects of [...]
Shortly after the election of Julia Gillard to the position of Prime Minster and the establishment of a Labor/Greens government, fearing that we could lose the battle to protect marriage, I [...]
In the lead up to the recent federal election, I noticed that many people, including some Christians, stated that they believed that Julia Gillard’s atheism is a matter of little or no concern. [...]
In the last two editions of Life News, we warned our readers about Robin Chapple’s dangerous Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010. We warned that the Bill would permit any medical practitioner to give [...]