On Thursday, May 31 the West Australian newspaper published an article entitled “State Government to argue for abortion clinic exclusion zones in the High Court”. Unsurprisingly, it failed to [...]
The current law Practices that are deliberately intended to cause the death of a patient in Western Australia are illegal. The options currently provided to chronic and/or terminally ill patients [...]
We know with certainty that homosexual sex is condemned in Scripture. Leviticus 18:22: “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” Leviticus 20:13: “If a man lies with [...]
A message from the Director of Life Ministries I urge you to help preserve marriage as the union of a man and a woman by voting “No” to same-sex “marriage” in the postal plebiscite. It is not [...]
For decades we at Life Ministries have adamantly opposed euthanasia. In an effort to inform Christians about the dangers of euthanasia, we have printed pamphlets like “If people were dogs & [...]
Homosexual advocates and their many sympathisers have used the clever slogan of “marriage equality” to advance their cause. They argue that same-sex “marriage” is simply an issue of equality for [...]
This magazine has taken longer to prepare than initially anticipated. This is not because we have been lax. Andrew Lansdown has spent a great deal of time thoroughly revising The High King’s [...]
Earlier this year, I received a letter from a Christian minister who was dismissive of the Australian Christians political party. As the minister claimed that his views were also held by other [...]
The swing to the Liberals that resulted in a convincing win at the state election on 9 March 2013 was like a tidal wave. It came at the expense of the minor parties and independents. At the final [...]
This is an edited address delivered by Dwight at the Australian Christians’ National Conference in December last year. I want to start by giving a brief introduction dealing with the issue of [...]