As Christians, can we in good conscience vote for the Australian Labor Party (ALP) in the forthcoming federal election? We at Life Ministries have come to the conclusion that the answer is no. Of [...]
This speech by the Nationals Deputy Whip, Mr George Christensen, is reprinted from the House of Representatives Hansard, 25 February 2016. Since it was given, the Turnbull Liberal Government has [...]
Many people believe that homosexual behaviour originates from a homosexual orientation over which a homosexual person has no say. According to this view, a homosexual is either born or bred “that [...]
Dear Mr Pyne, I trust you, or your advisors, will give serious consideration to the medical evidence below and reconsider this decision to fund the so-called Safe Schools programme. The political [...]
In the United States of America, a Christian baker and his employees have just been sentenced to a re-education camp! It’s unbelievable but true. Colorado baker Jack Phillips has been targeted by [...]
The bizarre obsession of US President Barack Obama and British Conservative leader David Cameron* with forcing homosexual marriage on their respective countries has brought them into direct [...]
Shortly after the election of Julia Gillard to the position of Prime Minster and the establishment of a Labor/Greens government, fearing that we could lose the battle to protect marriage, I [...]
Many homosexuals – perhaps most – are not even interested in marriage. Thus it must be asked, just why is it that some homosexuals are so insistent on marriage rights? Why the very strong push by [...]
Channel Nine’s current affairs program, 60 Minutes, recently ran a story titled “Straight answers”.1The “difficult question” the story tried to answer is one that all parents supposedly worry [...]