For decades we at Life Ministries have adamantly opposed euthanasia. In an effort to inform Christians about the dangers of euthanasia, we have printed pamphlets like “If people were dogs & [...]
The Rev Fred Nile MLC, leader of the Christian Democratic Party, has rejected the misleading media reports that claim the recent 2009 Federal ALP Conference had continued to uphold traditional [...]
As Christians, can we in good conscience vote for the Australian Labor Party (ALP) in the forthcoming federal election? We at Life Ministries have come to the conclusion that the answer is no. Of [...]
Thank you all for braving the winter chill to mark this eighteenth anniversary of infamy. I have no particular qualification for speaking to you tonight save for having served for a period in the [...]
This speech by the Nationals Deputy Whip, Mr George Christensen, is reprinted from the House of Representatives Hansard, 25 February 2016. Since it was given, the Turnbull Liberal Government has [...]
Early last year, four adult children of homosexual parents argued before a US court that government-sanctioned homosexual unions could lead to disaster for thousands of children. Here are [...]
Homosexual advocates and their many sympathisers have used the clever slogan of “marriage equality” to advance their cause. They argue that same-sex “marriage” is simply an issue of equality for [...]
Many people believe that homosexual behaviour originates from a homosexual orientation over which a homosexual person has no say. According to this view, a homosexual is either born or bred “that [...]
I hear this all the time, not just from activists on the other side, but from rather confused believers as well: “Bill, you are being hateful when you speak against homosexuality,” or “Bill, you [...]
Ireland has written a social suicide note and we grieve for her. But we will not follow her. More than half the Irish have voted for homosexual marriage, seduced by celebrities to violate [...]