As Christians, can we in good conscience vote for the Australian Labor Party (ALP) in the forthcoming federal election? We at Life Ministries have come to the conclusion that the answer is no. Of [...]
Approximately 1,500 people participated in the 18th Annual Walk and Rally for Life on Tuesday evening, 17th May, making it the largest rally since 1998, when abortion was legalised in Western [...]
Thousands of Christians in German refugee shelters are being persecuted by Muslims, sometimes even by their security guards, according to a new report, which asserts that in most cases German [...]
This speech by the Nationals Deputy Whip, Mr George Christensen, is reprinted from the House of Representatives Hansard, 25 February 2016. Since it was given, the Turnbull Liberal Government has [...]
Two current stories, one from the US and one from Britain, together further the idea that there is a strange, self-destructive madness lurking in the West, in this case in two institutions which [...]
Homosexual advocates and their many sympathisers have used the clever slogan of “marriage equality” to advance their cause. They argue that same-sex “marriage” is simply an issue of equality for [...]
Many people believe that homosexual behaviour originates from a homosexual orientation over which a homosexual person has no say. According to this view, a homosexual is either born or bred “that [...]
Talitha Dall recently spoke at the Rally for Life on 12th May at Parliament House. Last November, at 20 weeks into her pregnancy, after a routine sonogram, Talitha was informed that her baby boy [...]
The Western Australian Government has recently taken measures to recognise the loss of a child in early pregnancy. These children should be recognised, for they are as human as any one of us, and [...]
Over 850 people participated in the 17th Annual Walk and Rally for Life on Tuesday evening, 12th May. It was a crisp, windless, beautiful night as people assembled at Florence Hummerston Park in [...]