The Western Australian Government has recently taken measures to recognise the loss of a child in early pregnancy. These children should be recognised, for they are as human as any one of us, and their loss is deeply grieved by their parents and siblings. Providing a certificate of loss is a positive step in not only alleviating the pain of parents, but in establishing the humanity of unborn children in the minds of Western Australians. On Tuesday, 12 May 2015, the Hon Donna Faragher, MLC, East Metropolitan Region and Parliamentary Secretary spoke in Parliament. She said:
I rise very briefly to acknowledge a decision made by the Attorney General and announced over the weekend to allow parents who have lost a child through early pregnancy loss, particularly between 12 and 19 weeks, to be given the opportunity to apply for a recognition of loss certificate. I want to recognise the Attorney General, who is in the chamber tonight, for taking this step, as it will for the first time allow babies lost before 20 weeks to be recognised by the Western Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Statistics tell us that one in five Australian women will endure the loss of a baby, and many will experience two or more pregnancy losses throughout their lifetime. … We all know that the news of pregnancy brings great joy, but we should never forget that, despite all our medical advances, pregnancy is not without risk and that tragically, with or without explanation, things can sometimes go wrong. It is for this reason that it is a good thing to give parents the opportunity, if they want to, to have their baby who did not quite make it recognised through the registry. Hopefully, it will bring some comfort during a very difficult time. I thank the Attorney General for making that decision.