This edition of Life News contains two articles on homosexuality. Life Ministries is determined to do all that it can to oppose homosexual advances in Australia. As long as homosexuals continue to make more and more outrageous demands—now for marriage rights in Australia!—Life Ministries will continue to raise an opposing voice.
This edition of Life News also contains two articles on prostitution. Richard Egan’s article, “Help stop legalised prostitution in WA”, looks at the Barnett Liberal Government’s plans for prostitution in 2011 and urges people to action. My article, “Prostitution harms prostitutes”, is a timely reminder that no government that purports to be just should ever legalise prostitution.
We have also included with this edition of Life News a letter seeking your financial support to assist the ongoing work of Life Ministries in 2011. In order to continue addressing a wide range of vexing current issues from a biblical perspective, we require ongoing financial support. Please read our appeal letter and prayerfully consider if you can help Life Ministries in 2011.
Life Ministries has experienced God’s faithfulness through his people for almost 30 years, now. We thank him. We thank you.
We pray that you will know God’s blessing, and be used by him to give blessing, on our Saviour’s birthday and throughout the New Year.