In Christian Activism, Politics

Courage, vision and strategy were three recurring themes through the evening.
The evening opened to the sounds of Courageous (by Casting Crowns) with words fitting to the occasion:  We were made to be courageous. It starts with us tonight. We’re taking back the fight. Lord make us courageous.

AC national director, Ray Moran, explained why and how the Christian Democratic Party is being renewed and expanded at this time.  AC wants to have a voice at the table where legislation is being debated at a time when Christian freedoms and values are relentlessly being attacked, when larger parties are divided, and when people are starting to be more aware of the social engineering agenda of the Greens party. AC wants to represent the 2.7 million of people who go to church in Australia: a united Christian vote would place the party as the third political influence in the country. Potentially, we have the numbers to overtake the Greens at the next election. We also have a commission to be salt and light in our nation and to make disciples. AC has already pre-selected Senate candidates for the federal election in WA, Vic and Tas and  two upper house candidates for the WA state election, in March next year. We need Christian support in prayer and practical involvement to see those Christian candidates elected at the next elections. We ask all Christians to prayerfully consider becoming an active member or supporter of the Australian Christians party. All details and contacts are on the website.

Dave Hodgson of Paladin Corporation was the keynote speaker of the evening.  Dave is a Christian national and international speaker, a business entrepreneur, a strategist and supporter in the development of many Christian ministries. He testified through his own colourful life experience, how God gives assignments to people whoever they are. We need to respond in faith and obedience and God will use our gifting and experience for His work in the kingdom. A national Christian party can make a difference in the field of politics if it is well thought up and if it provides the nation with smart politicians with solutions that work. Many Christians are reluctant to engage in the political process, yet they are legally compelled to vote. Disinterested Christian voters unwittingly enable evil to prosper in our land when they vote for parties without knowing what policies these parties promote.  The wrong policies in the social and moral areas carry an enormous cost and burden on a nation. Christians need to be engaged in good political strategies. We need to ask ourselves in what ways we can offer our experience, our God given gifts to advance this strategic Christian work in our nation. Intercessory prayer for this work in the Kingdom is necessary and also faithful obedience to God’s call on our participation in this ministry.

Dwight Randall, AC President in WA and East Metro Upper House candidate spoke of the importance of the Christian vision to understand all history: past, present and future. Without this vision it is easy to withdraw from the enormous challenge that is placed before us. Without vision, we can’t move.  AC has the vision to represent Christians and family values in our parliaments, to have a Christian worldview advocated in our land, to protect our freedoms.  With the right vision through God’s blessing, we can transform our present reality. We can gather all necessary resources to make a difference: prayer and financial resources, credible people as candidates, and an army of helpers and promoters. Dwight urged all Christians to move forward in faith and spread the challenge and good news to others.

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