In Books

Scholastic Australia, through its imprint Omnibus Books, has published a fantasy trilogy by Andrew Lansdown.

The three novels are:

  • With My Knife
  • Dragonfox
  • The Red Dragon

The Red Dragon is a new publication, while With My Knife and Dragonfox were first published in the 1990s but have been out of print for some years.

These novels would make an attractive Christmas gift for older children or younger teenagers. Many adult readers have also enjoyed reading them.

Costing $15.95 each, the books are available from bookshops such as Dymocks and Angus & Robertson and can be ordered easily by other bookshops.

Two other books by Andrew Lansdown are also available through Life Ministries. They are:

Fontanelle (a collection ofpoems published by Five Islands Press) – $19.00, postage included in Australia.

The Dispossessed (a collection of short stories published by Interactive Press) – $24.00, postage included in Australia.

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