Visitors to the London Zoo a couple of weeks ago saw what you might call an unusual exhibit. The eight new inhabitants of the zoo lived and ate and played in a cage in front of visitors, just [...]
Life Ministries is pleased to offer you a new pamphlet with this issue of Life News. Evolution? by Andrew Lansdown raises and answers several foundational questions about the theory of evolution. [...]
Evolution is a naturalistic theory, attributing the origin of life to natural causes. Creation is a supernaturalistic theory, attributing the origin of life to supernatural causes. These two [...]
Evolution does not enjoy an advantage over creation so far as science is concerned. It is true that science cannot verify the major premises of creationism, but nor can it verify the major [...]
“Intelligent design” has been in the news of late. According to this theory of origins, there is an unnamed “intelligent cause” for life on earth. The theory maintains that life is far too [...]