I haven’t been to the Wildflower Inn in Lyndonville, VT, but it sounds like a beautiful place. A glimpse at their website shows a near-definitive New England setting of clapboard buildings [...]
This is an edited version of a talk given by Dwight Randall at the St Mary and Archangel Michael Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Church in Victoria Park, Western Australia, in April 2011. It is apparent [...]
Screwtape is the pretend demon and protagonist of CS Lewis’s famous book, The Screwtape Letters. In this satirical essay, Andrew Lansdown imagines what Screwtape might teach his pupils (and, in [...]
Zakaria Botros is a conservative television star with a huge audience. He is even more hated by his political enemies than Rush Limbaugh and Hillary Clinton put together, if you can believe that. [...]
Linda Watson, the former Perth prostitute and madam who turned to Christ on the day Princess Diana died and now rescues girls caught in the trap of the sex trade has been the target of a series [...]
The following is the Barnabas Fund Response to the Archbishop of Canterbury’s recommendation to apply Islamic law in the UK: Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, argued in a lunchtime [...]
Premier Bracks fails to deliver on his promise to soften his racial vilification laws. They are oppressive, divisive and deceitful. Steve Bracks has broken the September vow he gave to religious [...]
On 1 September Indonesian judges sentenced three women to three years in prison for allowing Muslim children to attend a Christian Sunday school program. Rebekka Zakaria, Eti Pangesti and Ratna [...]
In December 2004, Catch the Fire Ministries Inc (CTFM), Pastor Danny Nalliah and Pastor Daniel Scot were found to have breached the Victorian Racial & Religious Tolerance Act because of [...]
A review by Bill Muehlenberg. Janet Folger’s book The Criminalization of Christianity (Multnomah 2005) makes for scary reading. The sad truth of the book is that there is a war going on, and [...]