The 23rd annual Rally for Life, an annual event hosted by the Coalition for the Defence of Human Life, took place at the Western Australian Parliament House on Wednesday, June 16th. After [...]
A few months ago, a friend of mine received some devastating news at her first ultrasound: her baby had a fatal cranial defect and probably would not live past birth. No sooner had she and her [...]
The case against abortion rests on two premises: (1) the sanctity of human life and (2) the humanity of the foetus. From the Scriptures, the first premise is easily validated. The sanctity of [...]
Exactly twenty-five years ago, August 1994, Australia’s leading practitioner of late-term abortion gave a lecture at Monash University on “Abortion after 20 weeks”. A director of Planned [...]
by Dwight A. Randall Four days before the Federal Election, at the 21st Annual Rally for Life attended by approximately 2,000 people at the Western Australian Parliament House, I warned [...]
God’s word reveals that human life begins at conception—that God is intimately involved in the creation of human life from conception—and that he values human life from conception. The following [...]
On Tuesday, 14th May 2019 approximately 2,000 people of all ages, including hundreds of young people, gathered on the steps of Parliament House to mark the 21st anniversary of the legalisation of [...]
Saturday, 26th May 2018 marked a very sad day—the 20th anniversary of the legalisation of abortion in Western Australia. In spite of extremely wet and blustery weather in the days leading up to [...]
The Bible does not contain any direct teaching on abortion. So, to learn God’s view on this matter, we need to determine what his word says on two related matters. Firstly, we need to know what [...]
Edited speech given by Michelle Macormic at the 20th Annual Rally for Life While many argue about whose life matters more—the woman or the unborn—perhaps we need to refuse to engage in [...]