We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,the only Son of God,begotten from the Father before all ages,God from God,Light from Light,true God from true God,begotten, not made;of the same essence as the [...]
Matthew Henry (1662-1714), warmly remembered for his commentary on the entire Bible which became the best known, most widely used and deeply loved commentary in history, in his introduction to [...]
Modern America, ancient Israel, and ageless Christendom—all have embraced safe cities, cities that provide safe haven for people in trouble. It is fascinating and instructive to consider the [...]
There has been a proliferation of counsellors in our society in recent times, with a corresponding proliferation of people going for counselling. Depending on their concerns, troubled souls can [...]
Andrew Lansdown interviews Augusto Zimmermann, Professor and Head of Law, Sheridan Institute of Higher Education. Augusto, what is your background? I was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and had [...]
I wish to focus this morning on one of the letters that the Lord Jesus dictated to the Apostle John, the letter that John has recorded in Revelation 2:8-11: And to the angel of the church in [...]
In an article titled “Journeying into injustice: the National Redress Scheme and the Christian churches” (published in Life News in December 2018 and in Quadrant in June 2019), I exposed the [...]
A Safe Church Team pastor, whom I will call Pastor Scot, raised objections to my article, “Journeying into injustice: the National Redress Scheme and the Christian churches” (published in Life [...]
Earlier this year, I preached about the Trinity at a church in Cincinnati, Ohio, in the United States of America. My sermon was a variation of a message I have preached in churches in Australia [...]
Concerning the Lord Jesus, the prophet Isaiah foretold: “he shall see the fruit of the travail of his soul and be satisfied” (53:11, RSV). I want to offer a short meditation on this strange, [...]