Moviegoers are flocking to see their favourite stars from Titanic, Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio, reunited on the silver screen. But what the Oscar-nominated film Revolutionary Road serves [...]
Last year, Dr. Marcia Angell began a two-part series in the New York Review of Books by writing, “It seems that Americans are in the midst of a raging epidemic of mental illness, at least [...]
Celebrities: We hear all the time about their money, lovers, homes, and jet-setting lifestyles. Yet they are among the unhappiest people on earth. Nothing seems to satisfy them for long. An [...]
A woman who is a neighbour of one of my colleagues home schools her three kids. She does a great job—except for one thing: She won’t let them read novels. At worst, they might be trashy; at best, [...]
A woman is marched out of her small Iranian village, her arms are bound behind her back, and she is buried up to her waist in the sand. The villagers—including her own father, husband, and [...]
“We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.” Written in 1939, George Orwell’s words might well be addressed to the leaders of [...]
Zakaria Botros is a conservative television star with a huge audience. He is even more hated by his political enemies than Rush Limbaugh and Hillary Clinton put together, if you can believe that. [...]
In church yesterday, as you celebrated Easter, did you notice anything—or anyone—unusual? In churches all over the world, there were millions of people celebrating the resurrection of Christ, who [...]
When a Muslim family moved in down the street, Katie Jackman, a Christian woman, decided to reach out to them. When she knocked on their door and introduced herself, the family seemed delighted. [...]
Five years ago, Florida voters amended their state constitution to guarantee the rights of a previously unprotected class: pregnant pigs. Specifically, the ballot initiative guaranteed pregnant [...]