Dwight Randall, the Director of Life Ministries, and his brothers, Leroy and Morris, both well-known pastors in evangelical circles in Perth, recently lost their mother, Gladys Vearl Randall. At [...]
Sehnsucht is a German word that means “deep longing”. It describes a fleeting state experienced by everyone from time to time—a profound yearning as real as it is intangible, a mysterious longing [...]
Mothers are the great glue which binds society together. They organise, they volunteer, they nurture. And, when they are not around, you notice it. Look at any of those etiolated “communities” [...]
With over a half century of solid social science research now in, we know quite clearly that children do best by every measure when raised by their own biological parents, preferably cemented by [...]
Recently, during an open prayer session in church, a man prayed like this: Lord, it is only at the foot of the cross that we can be forgiven of our sins and know you as our Father. We deserve [...]