Prostitution harms prostitutes. The magnitude of the harm is vividly depicted in an autobiographical book by Sarah Priesley called The Prostitution Trap.* Sarah came to Australia from England in [...]
This is the second of several essays on social justice by Andrew. God willing, the others will appear in coming issues of Life News. Conservative politicians are unconcerned about poverty and the [...]
This is an excerpt from a much longer article by Kevin Andrews, MHR There are many descriptions that could be applied to the Greens, but none seems more accurate than [communist union leader] [...]
In October 1996 the novelist Thomas Keneally told the BBC that Pauline Hanson had put Australia on the train to Auschwitz.* You would, paraphrasing George Orwell, have to be an intellectual to [...]
Perth Campaign 9 March – 17 April (Lent) 2010 Since abortion was legalised in Western Australia in 1998, over 100,000 babies have been killed in the womb in this state. Abortion is currently [...]